Como Dominar o Modelo de Referência de Assunto da Hailuo AI em 2025: Tutorial Passo a Passo

Cover Image for Como Dominar o Modelo de Referência de Assunto da Hailuo AI em 2025: Tutorial Passo a Passo

O Modelo de Referência de Assunto da Hailuo AI permite o reconhecimento de características faciais a partir de fotos enviadas pelos usuários. Ele pode gerar um personagem com traços faciais correspondentes e criar cenas em vídeo com esse personagem com base em prompts de texto.

Tutorial do Modelo de Referência de Assunto

Para gerar vídeos usando o Modelo de Referência de Assunto da Hailuo AI, os usuários devem fornecer duas entradas principais:

  • Foto Facial do Assunto
  • Prompt para Geração de Vídeo
  1. O primeiro passo é clicar em "Experimente Agora" para acessar a página de criação.

Página de criação da Hailuo AI

  1. O segundo passo é selecionar o Modelo de Referência de Assunto, clicar em "Adicionar Personagem de Referência", enviar a imagem, inserir o prompt, clicar em "Criar" e, após uma breve espera, sua criação estará pronta.

Página de criação da Hailuo AI

Foto Facial do Assunto

O Modelo de Referência de Assunto requer uma foto clara e reconhecível do rosto do assunto para servir como referência na geração do rosto do personagem no vídeo. Atualmente, o modelo só suporta reconhecimento facial para rostos humanos.

A Hailuo AI é capaz de identificar características faciais com precisão em diversos gêneros, idades e etnias. Para obter os melhores resultados na geração de vídeos, certifique-se de que a imagem enviada atenda às especificações necessárias, incluindo ângulos e condições de iluminação adequados.


Quantidade de Rostos: O Modelo de Referência de Assunto só suporta o envio de fotos com uma única pessoa para reconhecimento facial.
Tamanho da Imagem: A resolução deve ser de pelo menos 120x120, e o arquivo não pode exceder 20MB.
Outros Requisitos: O rosto não pode estar obstruído, e a foto não deve estar desfocada ou conter filtros ou efeitos especiais excessivos.

Exemplo de Foto Facial Adequada:

Foto Facial Padrão 1Foto Facial Padrão 2Foto Facial Padrão 3Foto Facial Padrão 4Foto Facial Padrão 5Foto Facial Padrão 6

Exemplos de Fotos Não Adequadas:

Rosto obstruído

Rosto obstruído

Múltiplos rostos

Múltiplos rostos

Efeitos de filtro intensos

Efeitos de filtro intensos

Desfoque excessivo

Desfoque excessivo

Ângulo do Assunto

O ângulo do assunto na foto enviada deve estar diretamente de frente para a câmera ou ligeiramente voltado para o lado.
  • De frente para a câmera: O rosto do assunto deve estar diretamente alinhado com a câmera, com características faciais claramente visíveis, fornecendo informações completas.
  • Levemente de lado: As características faciais e o contorno do rosto ainda devem estar totalmente visíveis na foto, evitando perfis ou ângulos onde os traços faciais não estejam enquadrados.

Exemplos de Ângulos Adequados:

Facial Photo 1

On an overcast day, in an ancient cobbled alleyway, the model is dressed in a brown corduroy jacket paired with beige trousers and ankle boots, topped with a vintage beret. The shot starts from over the model's shoulder, following his steps as it captures his swaying figure. Then, the camera moves slightly sideways to the front, showcasing his natural gesture of adjusting the beret with a smile. Next, the shot slightly tilts down, capturing the model's graceful stance as he leans against the wall at a corner. The video concludes with an upward shot, showing the model smiling at the camera. The lighting and colors are natural, giving the footage a cinematic quality.

Generated Video 1

Prompt 25

On an overcast day, in an ancient cobbled alleyway, the model is dressed in a brown corduroy jacket paired with beige trousers and ankle boots, topped with a vintage beret. The shot starts from over the model's shoulder, following his steps as it captures his swaying figure. Then, the camera moves slightly sideways to the front, showcasing his natural gesture of adjusting the beret with a smile. Next, the shot slightly tilts down, capturing the model's graceful stance as he leans against the wall at a corner. The video concludes with an upward shot, showing the model smiling at the camera. The lighting and colors are natural, giving the footage a cinematic quality.

Facial Photo 2

On an overcast day, in an ancient cobbled alleyway, the model is dressed in a brown corduroy jacket paired with beige trousers and ankle boots, topped with a vintage beret. The shot starts from over the model's shoulder, following his steps as it captures his swaying figure. Then, the camera moves slightly sideways to the front, showcasing his natural gesture of adjusting the beret with a smile. Next, the shot slightly tilts down, capturing the model's graceful stance as he leans against the wall at a corner. The video concludes with an upward shot, showing the model smiling at the camera. The lighting and colors are natural, giving the footage a cinematic quality.

Generated Video 2

Prompt 2

On an overcast day, in an ancient cobbled alleyway, the model is dressed in a brown corduroy jacket paired with beige trousers and ankle boots, topped with a vintage beret. The shot starts from over the model's shoulder, following his steps as it captures his swaying figure. Then, the camera moves slightly sideways to the front, showcasing his natural gesture of adjusting the beret with a smile. Next, the shot slightly tilts down, capturing the model's graceful stance as he leans against the wall at a corner. The video concludes with an upward shot, showing the model smiling at the camera. The lighting and colors are natural, giving the footage a cinematic quality.

Facial Photo 3

In a softly lit modern living space, the model wears a cozy off-white knit sweater paired with high-waisted jeans and minimalist white sneakers, exuding a comfortable and casual vibe. Behind her is a large glass window letting in the sunlight, which spills onto the wooden floor. The model sits leisurely on the sofa, flipping through a book, with a cup of hot coffee beside her. The camera slowly zooms in, capturing the moment she gently lifts her head and gazes out the window, her expression calm and gentle. Then, the camera circles around to her side, showing her adjusting her hair.

Generated Video 3

Prompt 3

In a softly lit modern living space, the model wears a cozy off-white knit sweater paired with high-waisted jeans and minimalist white sneakers, exuding a comfortable and casual vibe. Behind her is a large glass window letting in the sunlight, which spills onto the wooden floor. The model sits leisurely on the sofa, flipping through a book, with a cup of hot coffee beside her. The camera slowly zooms in, capturing the moment she gently lifts her head and gazes out the window, her expression calm and gentle. Then, the camera circles around to her side, showing her adjusting her hair.

Facial Photo 4

In a softly lit modern living space, the model wears a cozy off-white knit sweater paired with high-waisted jeans and minimalist white sneakers, exuding a comfortable and casual vibe. Behind her is a large glass window letting in the sunlight, which spills onto the wooden floor. The model sits leisurely on the sofa, flipping through a book, with a cup of hot coffee beside her. The camera slowly zooms in, capturing the moment she gently lifts her head and gazes out the window, her expression calm and gentle. Then, the camera circles around to her side, showing her adjusting her hair.

Generated Video 4

Prompt 4

In a softly lit modern living space, the model wears a cozy off-white knit sweater paired with high-waisted jeans and minimalist white sneakers, exuding a comfortable and casual vibe. Behind her is a large glass window letting in the sunlight, which spills onto the wooden floor. The model sits leisurely on the sofa, flipping through a book, with a cup of hot coffee beside her. The camera slowly zooms in, capturing the moment she gently lifts her head and gazes out the window, her expression calm and gentle. Then, the camera circles around to her side, showing her adjusting her hair.

Exemplos de Ângulos Não Adequados:

Facial features are not fully visible in the frame

Facial features are not fully visible in the frame

Profile view with insufficient facial features

Profile view with insufficient facial features

Facial features are not fully visible in the frame

Facial features are not fully visible in the frame

Profile view with insufficient facial features

Profile view with insufficient facial features

Iluminação Facial

Para uma representação precisa do rosto no vídeo, evite sombras escuras extensas ou superexposição localizada. A iluminação deve ser natural, com detalhes sutis de sombra para melhor profundidade.

Exemplos de Iluminação Adequada:

Facial Photo 5

A cowboy rides a horse through a snowy landscape, with a rifle strapped to his back. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, and his rugged, striking facial features stand out prominently. In the distance behind him is a tall spruce forest, beyond which rise the breathtaking, snow-covered mountains. The ground is blanketed in pristine white snow as the cowboy slowly rides through the cold, open wilderness. His gaze is fixed ahead, exuding a sense of determination and bravery.

Generated Video 5

Prompt 5

A cowboy rides a horse through a snowy landscape, with a rifle strapped to his back. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, and his rugged, striking facial features stand out prominently. In the distance behind him is a tall spruce forest, beyond which rise the breathtaking, snow-covered mountains. The ground is blanketed in pristine white snow as the cowboy slowly rides through the cold, open wilderness. His gaze is fixed ahead, exuding a sense of determination and bravery.

Facial Photo 6

A model, dressed in a vintage apron with a ribbon tied around her neck and high-heeled ankle boots, stands behind the dimly lit wooden bar of a tavern. She holds a glass filled with whiskey in one hand, while the background features a wooden shelf lined with bottles and oil lamps. Her curly hair cascades over her shoulders, and a mischievous smile plays on her face as the camera moves dramatically.

Generated Video 6

Prompt 6

A model, dressed in a vintage apron with a ribbon tied around her neck and high-heeled ankle boots, stands behind the dimly lit wooden bar of a tavern. She holds a glass filled with whiskey in one hand, while the background features a wooden shelf lined with bottles and oil lamps. Her curly hair cascades over her shoulders, and a mischievous smile plays on her face as the camera moves dramatically.

Exemplos de Iluminação Não Adequada:

Shadows obscure the facial features

Shadows obscure the facial features

Complexed facial shadows

Complexed facial shadows

Excessive or unnatural facial lighting colors

Excessive or unnatural facial lighting colors



Prompt para Geração de Vídeo

A lógica de geração do Modelo de Referência de Assunto é semelhante à de geração de texto para vídeo. Para detalhes, consulte o tutorial de Prompt para Texto em Vídeo.

O prompt usado no Modelo de Referência de Assunto deve focar em um único assunto para resultados precisos.

Se o prompt incluir múltiplos assuntos, adicione descrições específicas. A Hailuo AI identificará características faciais com base em idade e gênero para gerar o assunto correto.

Como executar prompts com múltiplos assuntos?

  1. Incluir o gênero no prompt ajuda a Hailuo AI a identificar o assunto correto.

Facial Photo 7

In the scene, <Highlight color="yellow">a black-haired man</Highlight> wearing a suit sits at a European-style dining table, looking at the camera. Next to him is a woman with brown hair, smiling and gazing at the camera.

Generated Video 7

Prompt 7

In the scene, a black-haired man wearing a suit sits at a European-style dining table, looking at the camera. Next to him is a woman with brown hair, smiling and gazing at the camera.

Facial Photo 8

In the scene, a black-haired man in a suit sits at a European-style dining table, looking at the camera. Beside him is <Highlight color="yellow">a woman with brown hair</Highlight>, smiling and gazing at the camera.

Generated Video 8

Prompt 8

In the scene, a black-haired man in a suit sits at a European-style dining table, looking at the camera. Beside him is a woman with brown hair, smiling and gazing at the camera.

  1. Incluir a idade no prompt ajuda a gerar cenas precisas.

Facial Photo 9

An elderly man in a shirt is holding <Highlight color="yellow">a young girl</Highlight> in a red dress. They are sitting together in a cozy indoor setting, embracing and smiling at each other.

Generated Video 9

Prompt 9

An elderly man in a shirt is holding a young girl in a red dress. They are sitting together in a cozy indoor setting, embracing and smiling at each other.

Facial Photo 10

<Highlight color="yellow">An elderly man</Highlight> in a shirt is holding a young girl in a red dress. They are sitting together in a warm, cozy indoor setting, embracing each other and smiling.

Generated Video 10

Prompt 10

An elderly man in a shirt is holding a young girl in a red dress. They are sitting together in a warm, cozy indoor setting, embracing each other and smiling.
